Data Processing and Mail Fulfillment for Canadian Advertising Campaigns

Direct mail is one of the most effective ways to reach Canadian consumers. Our Canada Post experts can fine-tune your mailing list, turn around rush campaigns, and minimize your postage spend for great results.

  • Perfect your targeting and validate your mailing list. We use Canada Post approved technology review your list, scrub out duplicates, and fix incorrect addresses so your advertising will get to the right people the first time. We have decades of expertise in Canadian postal code areas and Neighbourhood Mail options, so you'll know your targeting is always on point.
  • Pre-plan campaigns or send them last-minute - whatever your style, we're ready to help. Are you a planner with advertisements printed months in advance? We'll store your materials in our warehouse and coordinate mail drops according to your marketing plan. Have an urgent mailout? Canadian Mail Exchange can get your ads from the printer to Canadian mailboxes in a matter of days.
  • Reduce your postage costs with expert tricks and tactics. There are dozens of small ways to reduce your direct mail advertising costs -sizing your mail correctly, negotiating bulk rates, even making small design tweaks for easier addressing. We'll work with you from the beginning of your campaign to point out savings opportunities at every turn, maximizing your return on investment.